dune-gdt is a software library for building applications using grid-based numerical methods. It is a generic discretization toolbox and provides building blocks - like local operators, local evaluations, local assemblers - for discretization methods and suitable discrete function spaces. It is realized as a DUNE module and leverages newer C++ language features and the dune-xtensions to provide an easy-to-use and mathematically sound API. A subset of the API is exposed as Python-bindings using pybind11, and easily available as wheels on pypi.
- Tutorials
- Tutorial: data functions and interpolation
- Tutorial: continuous FEM for the stationary heat equation
- Examples
- Example: prolongations and computing products and norms
- Example: Grid adaptation
- Example: a posteriori error estimates based on flux reconstruction
- Example: working with gmsh grids
- Example: residual-based a posteriori error estimates
- Tutorial: discontinuous IPDG for the stationary heat equation
- Example: SIPDG for the instationary heat equation
- Bibliography