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Click here to run this tutorial on prolongations and computing products and norms#
This is work in progress (WIP), still missing:#
documentation and explanation
assembled matrix as product
# wurlitzer: display dune's output in the notebook
%load_ext wurlitzer
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # silence numpys warnings
1: prolongation onto a finer grid#
Let’s set up a 2d grid first, as seen in other tutorials and examples.
from dune.xt.grid import Dim, Cube, Simplex, make_cube_grid
from dune.xt.functions import ExpressionFunction, GridFunction as GF
d = 2
omega = ([0, 0], [1, 1])
grid = make_cube_grid(Dim(d), Simplex(), lower_left=omega[0], upper_right=omega[1], num_elements=[2, 2])
print(f'grid has {grid.size(0)} elements, {grid.size(d - 1)} edges and {grid.size(d)} vertices')
grid has 16 elements, 28 edges and 13 vertices
GridParameterBlock: Parameter 'refinementedge' not specified, defaulting to 'ARBITRARY'.
from dune.gdt import default_interpolation, prolong, DiscontinuousLagrangeSpace
V_H = DiscontinuousLagrangeSpace(grid, order=1)
f = ExpressionFunction(dim_domain=Dim(d), variable='x', order=10, expression='exp(x[0]*x[1])', name='f')
f_H = default_interpolation(GF(grid, f), V_H)
print(f'f_H has {len(f_H.dofs.vector)} DoFs')
f_H has 48 DoFs
reference_grid = make_cube_grid(Dim(d), Simplex(), lower_left=omega[0], upper_right=omega[1], num_elements=[16, 16])
print(f'grid has {reference_grid.size(0)} elements')
grid has 1024 elements
GridParameterBlock: Parameter 'refinementedge' not specified, defaulting to 'ARBITRARY'.
from dune.gdt import DiscreteFunction
V_h = DiscontinuousLagrangeSpace(reference_grid, order=1)
f_h = prolong(f_H, V_h)
print(f'f_h has {len(f_h.dofs.vector)} DoFs')
f_h has 3072 DoFs
2: computing products and norms#
u = GF(grid,
ExpressionFunction(dim_domain=Dim(d), variable='x', order=10, expression='exp(x[0]*x[1])',
gradient_expressions=['x[1]*exp(x[0]*x[1])', 'x[0]*exp(x[0]*x[1])'], name='h'))
(u, v)_{H^1} = (u, v)_{L^2} + (u, v)_{H^1_0}
||u||_{H^1} = \sqrt{||u||_{L^2}^2 + |u|_{H^1_0}^2}
Either comupte all in one grid walk …
from dune.xt.grid import Walker
from dune.gdt import (
L2_product = BilinearForm(grid, u, u)
L2_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalElementProductIntegrand(GF(grid, 1)))
H1_semi_product = BilinearForm(grid, u, u)
H1_semi_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalLaplaceIntegrand(GF(grid, 1, dim_range=(Dim(d), Dim(d)))))
H1_product = BilinearForm(grid, u, u)
H1_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalElementProductIntegrand(GF(grid, 1)))
H1_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalLaplaceIntegrand(GF(grid, 1, dim_range=(Dim(d), Dim(d)))))
walker = Walker(grid)
print(f'|| u ||_L2 = {np.sqrt(L2_product.result)}')
print(f' | u |_H1 = {np.sqrt(H1_semi_product.result)}')
print(f'|| u ||_H1 = {np.sqrt(H1_product.result)}')
|| u ||_L2 = 1.357179337917508
| u |_H1 = 1.2638291121558571
|| u ||_H1 = 1.8545079616984306
np.allclose(L2_product.result + H1_semi_product.result, H1_product.result)
… or let each product do the grid walking in apply2
(possibly less runtime efficient, but maybe more intuitive)
L2_product = BilinearForm(grid, u, u)
L2_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalElementProductIntegrand(GF(grid, 1)))
print(f'|| u ||_L2 = {np.sqrt(L2_product.apply2())}')
H1_semi_product = BilinearForm(grid, u, u)
H1_semi_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalLaplaceIntegrand(GF(grid, 1, dim_range=(Dim(d), Dim(d)))))
print(f' | u |_H1 = {np.sqrt(H1_semi_product.apply2())}')
H1_product = BilinearForm(grid, u, u)
H1_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalElementProductIntegrand(GF(grid, 1)))
H1_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalLaplaceIntegrand(GF(grid, 1, dim_range=(Dim(d), Dim(d)))))
print(f'|| u ||_H1 = {np.sqrt(H1_product.apply2())}')
|| u ||_L2 = 1.357179337917508
| u |_H1 = 1.2638291121558571
|| u ||_H1 = 1.8545079616984306
3: computing errors w.r.t. a known reference solution#
# suppose we have a DiscreteFunction on a coarse grid, usually the solution of a discretization
# (we use the interpolation here for simplicity)
u_H = default_interpolation(u, V_H)
# prolong it onto the reference grid
u_h = prolong(u_H, V_h)
# define error function using the analytically known solution u
error = GF(grid, u - u_h)
# compute norms on reference grid
L2_product = BilinearForm(reference_grid, error, error)
L2_product += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalElementProductIntegrand(GF(grid, 1)))
print(f'|| error ||_L2 = {np.sqrt(L2_product.apply2())}')
|| error ||_L2 = 0.02215546188074599
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