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Click here to run this tutorial on residual-based a posteriori error estimates#
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import numpy as np
np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # silence numpys warnings
1: inspect grid properties and relations between elements and intersections#
from dune.xt.grid import Dim, Simplex, make_cube_grid, AllDirichletBoundaryInfo, visualize_grid
d = 2
grid = make_cube_grid(Dim(d), Simplex(), [-1, -1], [1, 1], [1, 1])
print(f'grid has {grid.size(0)} elements, {grid.size(d - 1)} edges and {grid.size(d)} vertices')
boundary_info = AllDirichletBoundaryInfo(grid)
_ = visualize_grid(grid)
grid has 4 elements, 8 edges and 5 vertices
GridParameterBlock: Parameter 'refinementedge' not specified, defaulting to 'ARBITRARY'.
intersection_centers = np.array(grid.centers(1), copy=False)
inner_intersections = np.array(grid.inner_intersection_indices(), copy=False)
print(f'grid has {len(inner_intersections)} inner intersections')
print(f' with indices {inner_intersections}')
print(f' and centers:')
grid has 4 inner intersections
with indices [1 2 3 6]
and centers:
[[ 0.5 0.5]
[ 0.5 -0.5]
[-0.5 -0.5]
[-0.5 0.5]]
from dune.xt.grid import ApplyOnCustomBoundaryIntersections, DirichletBoundary
dirichlet_intersections = np.array(
ApplyOnCustomBoundaryIntersections(grid, boundary_info, DirichletBoundary())), copy=False)
print(f'grid has {len(dirichlet_intersections)} Dirichlet intersections')
print(f' with indices {dirichlet_intersections}')
print(f' and centers:')
grid has 4 Dirichlet intersections
with indices [0 4 5 7]
and centers:
[[ 1. 0.]
[ 0. -1.]
[-1. 0.]
[ 0. 1.]]
element_centers = np.array(grid.centers(0), copy=False)
inner_element_indices = np.array(grid.inside_element_indices(), copy=False)
print(f'index of each intersections inside element: {inner_element_indices}')
print('this means that')
for intersection_index, element_index in enumerate(inner_element_indices):
print(f' intersection {intersection_index} with center {intersection_centers[intersection_index]}')
print(f' has inside element {element_index} with center {element_centers[element_index]}')
index of each intersections inside element: [0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3]
this means that
intersection 0 with center [1. 0.]
has inside element 0 with center [6.66666667e-01 5.55111512e-17]
intersection 1 with center [0.5 0.5]
has inside element 0 with center [6.66666667e-01 5.55111512e-17]
intersection 2 with center [ 0.5 -0.5]
has inside element 0 with center [6.66666667e-01 5.55111512e-17]
intersection 3 with center [-0.5 -0.5]
has inside element 1 with center [ 0. -0.66666667]
intersection 4 with center [ 0. -1.]
has inside element 1 with center [ 0. -0.66666667]
intersection 5 with center [-1. 0.]
has inside element 2 with center [-6.66666667e-01 -5.55111512e-17]
intersection 6 with center [-0.5 0.5]
has inside element 2 with center [-6.66666667e-01 -5.55111512e-17]
intersection 7 with center [0. 1.]
has inside element 3 with center [0. 0.66666667]
outside_element_indices = np.array(grid.outside_element_indices(), copy=False)
print(f'index of each intersections outside element: {outside_element_indices}')
index of each intersections outside element: [18446744073709551615 3 1
2 18446744073709551615 18446744073709551615
3 18446744073709551615]
The large numbers are invalid indices and represent intersections which do not have an outside element, e.g. boundary intersections. We should thus restrict the lookup to inner intersections:
print(f'index of each inner intersections outside element: {outside_element_indices[inner_intersections]}')
print('this means that')
for intersection_index, element_index in enumerate(outside_element_indices[inner_intersections]):
print(f' (inner) intersection {intersection_index} with center {intersection_centers[intersection_index]}')
print(f' has outside element {element_index} with center {element_centers[element_index]}')
index of each inner intersections outside element: [3 1 2 3]
this means that
(inner) intersection 0 with center [1. 0.]
has outside element 3 with center [0. 0.66666667]
(inner) intersection 1 with center [0.5 0.5]
has outside element 1 with center [ 0. -0.66666667]
(inner) intersection 2 with center [ 0.5 -0.5]
has outside element 2 with center [-6.66666667e-01 -5.55111512e-17]
(inner) intersection 3 with center [-0.5 -0.5]
has outside element 3 with center [0. 0.66666667]
2: solving an elliptic PDE#
from dune.xt.functions import ExpressionFunction, GridFunction as GF
A = GF(grid, 1., dim_range=(Dim(d), Dim(d)), name='A')
f = GF(grid,
ExpressionFunction(dim_domain=Dim(d), variable='x', expression='exp(x[0]*x[1])', order=7, name='f'))
from dune.xt.grid import AllDirichletBoundaryInfo, Dim, Walker
from dune.gdt import (
V_h = ContinuousLagrangeSpace(grid, order=1)
l_h = VectorFunctional(grid, source_space=V_h)
l_h += LocalElementIntegralFunctional(LocalElementProductIntegrand(GF(grid, 1)).with_ansatz(f))
a_h = MatrixOperator(grid, source_space=V_h, range_space=V_h,
a_h += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalLaplaceIntegrand(A))
dirichlet_constraints = DirichletConstraints(boundary_info, V_h)
walker = Walker(grid)
dirichlet_constraints.apply(a_h.matrix, l_h.vector)
from dune.gdt import visualize_function
u_h = DiscreteFunction(V_h, 'u_h')
a_h.apply_inverse(l_h.vector, u_h.dofs.vector)
_ = visualize_function(u_h)
3: computing the a posterior error estimates and indicators from [MNS2002]#
We consider the set of all faces (or sides) of the grid, \(\mathcal{F}_h\), with a face denoted by \(\Gamma \in \mathcal{F}_h\). Each face \(\Gamma \in \mathcal{F}_h\) is either
an inner face, i.e. \(\Gamma = \overline{\partial K^- \cap \partial K^+}\) for two grid elements \(K^-, K^+ \in \mathcal{T}_h\), or
a boundary face, i.e. \(\Gamma = \overline{\partial K^- \cap \partial\Omega}\) for a grid element \(K^- \in \mathcal{T}_h\)
and has a
unit outer normal \(n_\Gamma \in \mathbb{R}^d\) poiting away from \(K^-\).
We call \(K^-\) the inner element and \(K^+\) the outer element.
The local face indicator in [MNS2002, (2.6)] is defined by
where \(h_\Gamma := \text{diam}(\Gamma)\) for all \(\Gamma \in \mathcal{F}_h\), \(h|_K := \text{diam}(K)\) for all \(K \in \mathcal{T}_h\) and
the jump of a vector valued function \(v: \Omega \to \mathbb{R}^d\) over a face \(\Gamma\) defined by
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} [[v]] := \begin{cases}v^- - v^+, &\Gamma\text{ is an inner intersection and}\\v^-,&\Gamma\text{ is a boundary intersection}\end{cases} \end{align}\end{split}\]where \(v^- := v|_{K^-}\) and \(v^+ := v|_{K^+}\); and
the patch
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \omega_\Gamma := \begin{cases}K^- \cup K^+, &\Gamma\text{ is an inner intersection and}\\K^-,&\Gamma\text{ is a boundary intersection}\end{cases} \end{align}\end{split}\]
To compute the first contribution to the indicator, we use an operator mapping the flux \(A \nabla u_h\) to the vector \(\underline{\eta_\text{flux}} \in \mathbb{R}^{|\mathcal{F}_h|}\), where the \(i\)-the entry of the vector is the squared indicator contribution associated with the respective intersection, i.e.
We use a RaviartThomasSpace
to represent the flux space (only for its dimensions, the flux need not be an actual element of the space), and FiniteVolumeSkeletonSpace
to represent numbers associated with intersections.
from dune.xt.grid import ApplyOnInnerIntersectionsOnce, ApplyOnCustomBoundaryIntersections, DirichletBoundary
from dune.xt.functions import gradient
from dune.gdt import (
flux_space = RaviartThomasSpace(grid, order=0)
flux = A*gradient(u_h)
intersection_indices = FiniteVolumeSkeletonSpace(grid)
eta_flux_op = Operator(grid, flux_space, intersection_indices)
eta_flux_op += (
LocalInnerJumpIntegrand(grid, dim_range=Dim(d), weighted_by_intersection_diameter=True))),
eta_flux_op += (
LocalBoundaryJumpIntegrand(grid, dim_range=Dim(d), weighted_by_intersection_diameter=True))),
ApplyOnCustomBoundaryIntersections(grid, boundary_info, DirichletBoundary()))
eta_flux_2 = np.array(eta_flux_op.apply(flux).dofs.vector, copy=False)
print(f'flux jump indicators = {eta_flux_2}')
flux jump indicators = [0.46627971 0.46627971 0.46627971 0.46627971 0.46627971 0.46627971
0.46627971 0.46627971]
# individual entries may contain negative values due to numerical inaccuracies, which we set to zero here
negative_entries = np.where(eta_flux_2 < 0)[0]
if len(negative_entries)> 0:
eta_flux_2[negative_entries] = np.zeros(len(negative_entries))
print(f'flux jump indicators (cleaned up) = {eta_flux_2}')
del negative_entries
For the second contribution we first compute \(\|h f\|_{L^2(K)}^2\) for all \(K \in \mathcal{T}_h\) and combine them to obtain the intersection patch indicators.
from dune.xt.functions import ElementwiseDiameterFunction
from dune.gdt import (
element_indices = FiniteVolumeSpace(grid)
h = ElementwiseDiameterFunction(grid)
eta_f_op = Operator(grid, V_h, element_indices)
eta_f_op += LocalElementBilinearFormIndicatorOperator(
LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm(LocalElementProductIntegrand(weight=GF(grid, 1))))
eta_f_2_per_element = np.array(eta_f_op.apply(h*f).dofs.vector, copy=False)
[5.00313487 5.00313487 5.00313487 5.00313487]
eta_f_2_per_intersection = np.zeros(intersection_indices.num_DoFs)
eta_f_2_per_intersection += eta_f_2_per_element[inner_element_indices]
eta_f_2_per_intersection[inner_intersections] += eta_f_2_per_element[outside_element_indices[inner_intersections]]
We can now obtain the indicators simply by combining the two contributions.
eta_2_per_intersection = eta_flux_2 + eta_f_2_per_intersection
Since eta_2_per_intersection
contains the squared contributions, we obtain the estimate as the square root of the sum.
eta = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(eta_2_per_intersection, ord=1))
print(f'estimated error: {eta}')
estimated error: 7.985477823195584
4: data oscialltion#
We compute the data oscillation on a finer grid, for visualization. Note that all quantities from above are now invalid!
V_h = ContinuousLagrangeSpace(grid, order=1)
# f_h is the piecewise constant average value on each element
p0_space = FiniteVolumeSpace(grid)
f_h = default_interpolation(f, p0_space)
oscillation_op = Operator(grid, V_h, p0_space)
oscillation_op += LocalElementBilinearFormIndicatorOperator(
LocalElementProductIntegrand(weight=GF(grid, 1))))
osc_2 = oscillation_op.apply(h*(f - f_h))
# osc_2 is a discrete function, where the entries of its DoF vector
# correspond to the squared data oscillation on each grid element.
# Since the information is element-based (and not intersection-based),
# we can easily visualize it:
_ = visualize_function(osc_2)
# we obtain ||h(f - f_h)||_{L^2(\Omega)} by the L^1-norm since the indicators are already squared
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